Enabling Quality improvement in Health Care
Over 1000 units are using KeyForCare.
Every month we receive over 60 000 patient responses and roughly 30 000 kudos and suggestions for improvements in healthcare, primary care, dental care and elderly care. Reports are sent weekly and monthly to more than 2 000 unit managers in Sweden and internationally.
In our OnLine system the results are displayed in real time, providing comparisons of results between units, clinics, hospitals and regions. By entering own data, connections with e.g. quality and production measures are easily monitored.
Our soft ware is designed for PREM and PROM as well as for employee surveys.
Surveys are swiftly implemented without specific equipment needed.
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Our customers
Breaking News
Several new services are launched in collaboration with EIDO Healthcare, England.
Listen to an interview with Simon Parsons, founder and director at EIDO.
Listen here:
The KeyforCare Experience at Nottingham University Hospital - The CRt Podcasts
Join us in “Best Practice”
Since we started in 2016, we have collected over 1 million responses from patients from various specialities such as primary care, orthopedics, dentistry and more.
We are now looking for those who are interested in measuring patient satisfaction in their organisations and share their insights with colleagues in the private and public health sector.
Each unit receives suggestions for improvements and insights into what works well and what amendments would benefit the organisation. We think that by sharing these insights there is a great opportunity to jointly create “Best Practice”.
Contact us for more information.
Patient experience develops
Björn Järbur, hospital director at NU-Sjukvården sees how all the feedback from the patients enables the hospital to develop the organisation more quickly.
"What the patients think is important - is really important", says Björn.
Source: Dagens Medicin, 2022-05-25
We specialise in health
and dental care
We are a step ahead
We make it happen
Patient Related Measurements for
Quality Improvement in Health Care
KeyForCare creates the conditions for the patient-driven development of organisations providing health care, dental care and elderly care. Our services are developed in close collaboration with our clients in the public as well as the private sector, and include surveys among patients as well as staff.
We are the company with expertise in health and medical care that develops and sells a real-time service for providing patient feedback.
The founders each have over 25 years of experience in the development of organisations and companies in the healthcare sector, in design and analysis of strategic customer- and employee surveys, and in the development of advanced cloud-based and user-friendly systems for customer surveys as well as systems for Strategic Competency
Management Solutions.
We aim for simplicity and high quality, developing our services in a sophisticated way by using the latest technology in order to constantly remain at the cutting edge. We are in a position where we can offer our customers the best possible solutions.
Introducing KeyForCare into your organisation is easy. It is done without any extra equipment and requires a minimal effort from your staff.
The results are presented in a clear and easy-to-use way, delivered in an enjoyable user interface based on the best available technology.
Get in touch if you want to know more, contact@keyforcare.se